BRCGS Consumer Products Certification : Certified Products

BRCGS certification for consumer products provides essential safety and quality assurance in various sectors such as textiles, cosmetics and electrical products. Internationally recognized, this standard plays a crucial role for companies wishing to stand out in the global market, ensuring customer satisfaction and paving the way for new opportunities.

What is the BRCGS Consumer Products certification ?

The abbreviation BRCGS, meaning "Brand Reputation through Compliance of Global Standards", guarantees the brand’s reputation through compliance with international standards. The BRCGS Consumer Products certification is an internationally recognized standard that ensures the safety, quality and compliance of consumer products in accordance with legal requirements.

Intended for various industries, this standard concerns companies that produce or manage non-food products such as textiles, cosmetics, toys, electrical products, and more. It also takes into account packaging materials, as well as food products for the hotel and restaurant sectors.

The certification is highly regarded by major international distributors, who require their suppliers to meet high standards to ensure product safety and quality. For certified companies, this translates into significant competitive advantage, improved brand image, customer loyalty, and openness to new markets.

BRCGS certification is based on a management system dedicated to product safety and quality, including several key elements :

  • Management responsibility and commitment
  • In-depth analysis of risks and opportunities
  • Careful product planning and development
  • Rigorous management of suppliers and subcontractors
  • Strict control of production and distribution processes
  • Full traceability and effective incident management
  • A continuous improvement approach and a management review process. Certification is granted by accreditation bodies after a series of in-depth on-site audits to ensure full compliance with the standard’s criteria. The level of performance of certified companies is determined through a rating system, which influences the frequency and type of follow-up audits required.

Which organizations offer BRCGS Consumer Products certification ?

BRCGS certification for consumer products is granted by accredited certification entities. These organizations are empowered to conduct audits in accordance with BRCGS standards and must meet strict requirements for competence, impartiality and quality. They are periodically assessed by the BRCGS to ensure compliance.

How to choose your certification body ?

It is crucial to choose your BRCGS certification body for consumer products wisely. During this selection, several criteria must be taken into account :

  • The reputation and reputation of the organization in the sector
  • Geographic proximity and availability of auditors
  • The expertise and experience of auditors in your field of activity
  • The ability to pair BRCGS certification with other standards or standards
  • Costs and time required to obtain certification
  • Quality customer service and post-certification support

Some examples of BRCGS Consumer Products certification bodies ?

To better guide your choice, here are some recognized certification bodies offering BRCGS Consumer Products certification, along with their strengths :

  • DQS France : this international organization, present in more than 100 countries, specializes in personal care products, household items and everyday consumer goods. It is renowned for its customer focus, global network of contacts and experienced auditors.
  • Bureau Veritas : a leader in inspection, certification and testing services, Bureau Veritas serves more than 400,000 customers in 140 countries. It provides BRCGS certification for consumer products, as well as other safety and quality standards such as IFS or ISO 22000, and is known for its high credibility and transparency.
  • DNV : this independent certification entity operates in more than 100 countries and has a network of more than 12,000 specialists. It offers BRCGS certification, in addition to services in risk management, sustainability and innovation, distinguished by its rigor, integrity and commitment.
  • Kiwa : a major European organization, Kiwa operates in more than 40 countries and employs more than 4,000 people. Offering BRCGS certification for consumer products, it also offers other certifications in the agri-food, environmental, health and safety sectors, standing out for its flexibility, responsiveness and proximity.

What are the specific requirements of the BRCGS Consumer Products certification for my industry ?

BRCGS certification is aimed at various sectors producing or handling non-food products, such as textiles, cosmetics, toys, or electrical products. It covers both packaging materials and food products for the hospitality and catering sectors.

This standard is divided into two categories, based on the level of risk of the products concerned :

Group 1 : Personal care and household products

This category includes cosmetics, hygiene products, medicines, and other similar. These products, having direct contact with the skin or mucous membranes, must comply with strict hygiene standards. Requirements for this group include :

  • Controlling microbiological, chemical and physical contaminants
  • Compliance with current laws regarding labelling, composition, safety, and traceability
  • Management of allergens, toxins, prohibited or limited substances, and recycled materials
  • Validation of cleaning, disinfection, sterilization, and preservation processes
  • Control of product effectiveness and stability

Group 2 : General goods

Including electronics, toys, furniture, and many others, this category focuses on safety and quality to prevent the risk of accidents. Requirements for this group include :

  • Design, manufacturing, transportation, and use risk management
  • Compliance with safety, performance, compatibility, and durability standards and regulations
  • Management of hazardous materials, restrictive substances, and recycled materials
  • Validation of manufacturing processes, control, testing, and repair
  • Verification of product reliability and functionality

If you are looking to meet the specific BRCGS certification criteria for your industry, the help of specialized partners could prove beneficial. With our company Yvea, we offer partners who can meet your needs through tailor-made solutions, including advice, training, audits, and certifications, according to your needs and budget.

By collaborating with recognized certification bodies at a competitive rate (which we have negotiated with them).

What are the steps to obtain a BRCGS Consumer Products certification ?

To achieve BRCGS Consumer Products certification, a company must engage in a rigorous but achievable process, which includes preparation, planning and dedicated engagement. The following are the essential steps to obtain this certification :

Step 1 : Download the standard and interpretation guidelines

Start by obtaining the BRCGS Consumer Products Standard and Interpretation Guidelines. They are available on the website of BRCGS or your certification body. These documents provide the criteria for obtaining certification as well as clarifications and examples to assist in their understanding and application.

Step 2 : Complete a self-assessment

Next, do a self-assessment to assess your company’s level of compliance with the requirements of the standard. Use a self-assessment tool offered by BRCGS, your certification body, or a tool you have developed internally. This will help you identify your strengths, areas for improvement and corrective actions needed to meet the requirements.

Step 3 : Train and be accompanied

Training and assistance are crucial to build the skills and knowledge necessary to implement and maintain a quality and safety management system of products that comply with the standard. So you have several options :

  • Participate in online or face-to-face training offered by BRCGS or training partners, covering the principles, criteria and best practices of the standard.
  • Organize internal training by your company or with the help of an external consultant, adapted to your specific needs.
  • Perform white audits by yourself or through an external consultant to simulate a certification audit and verify your company’s preparation.

Step 4 : Choose a certification body and plan the audit

Finally, select a certification body accredited by BRCGS. Your choice must be based on the reputation, proximity, specialization, flexibility, costs and quality of the organization’s customer service. Schedule the audit based on your schedule and auditor availability.

Step 5 : Perform the certification audit

The fifth step in the process is a certification audit. This involves a thorough assessment at the company’s site to verify compliance by its safety management system and product quality with the requirements specified by the relevant standard. The audit follows a plan previously defined by the auditor and covers several key activities :

  • The opening meeting introduces the auditor and the company, clarifies the scope and objectives of the audit, as well as the methodology and agenda.
  • The document review assesses the compliance of the management system documentation, including the manual, procedures and records.
  • The premises visit examines the conformity of infrastructures, equipment, products and processes.
  • Interviews with staff ensure compliance of practices, skills and responsibilities.
  • The closing meeting shares the results of the audit, highlighting strengths, weaknesses, non-conformities, and offering recommendations and next steps.

Step 6 : Obtain the certificate and audit report

The sixth step is obtaining the certificate and the audit report, issued by the certification body following the audit. The certificate proves the conformity of the company to the requirements of the BRCGS standard for Consumer Products, specifying the date of validity, the scope of application, the audited site, the product group concerned and the score achieved.

The audit report, for its part, contains the details of the observations, evidence, non-conformities discovered during the audit as well as the corrective actions envisaged and areas for improvement.

How much does a BRCGS Consumer Products certification cost ?

The price of BRCGS certification for Consumer Products fluctuates based on a variety of factors, including the size and nature of the business, product category, degree of risk, number of sites to be reviewed, and duration and frequency of audits. Other factors such as the choice of certification body also play a role. There is no flat rate for this certification, but it is possible to get a custom quote from the accredited certification bodies.

The main components of the cost of a BRCGS Consumer Products certification are :

  • The purchase of the standard and interpretation guidelines, available via the BRCGS website or that of the chosen certification body.
  • Training and coaching costs, provided by BRCGS, the certification body, an independent consultant, or internally by the company.
  • The costs of certification audits, calculated according to the time spent on site, the travel and accommodation expenses of the auditor, the number of auditors required, etc.
  • Fees associated with the certificate and audit report, issued by the certification body following the audit.
  • The price of follow-up audits, which are required at regular intervals based on the results of the initial audit, and billed on the same basis as the certification audit.

The total cost of a BRCGS Consumer Products certification can range from a few thousand to several tens of thousands of euros. This initial investment can be very advantageous, offering returns such as customer satisfaction through improved brand image, better loyalty, access to new markets, reduced non-compliance costs and improved performance.

How long does it take to obtain a BRCGS Consumer Products certification ?

The time it takes to obtain a BRCGS Consumer Products certification depends on several factors specific to each company, typically ranging from 6 to 12 months from the beginning to the end of the process. Key elements include :

  • Enterprise size and complexity : Large companies with complex structures require more time to develop and revise their quality and security management systems.
  • Management System Readiness : A well-established, standards-compliant system reduces assessment and certification time.
  • Number and severity of non-conformities : Large or serious non-conformities lengthen the process to address them correctly.
  • Stakeholder availability : High cooperation and availability from all parties speeds up the process.
  • Certification body : A good choice and good planning with the body facilitate obtaining an adequate audit date.

To expedite this process, recommendations include :

  • Actively involve management and staff, clarify objectives, mobilize resources.
  • Receive training and support either from BRCGS, a certification body, an external consultant or a certified partner.
  • Prepare the audit effectively: self-assess, conduct preliminary audits, review documentation, and prepare the necessary supporting documents.
  • Promptly address non-conformities with appropriate corrective actions and documentation for auditors.
  • Follow audit requirements and schedule, collaborate with auditor and provide required information.

Is there a need to renew the BRCGS Consumer Products certification ?

BRCGS certification for consumer products is not permanent. To maintain its validity and guarantee an optimal level of performance, it requires periodic renewal. This process includes regular audits that assess whether companies are still meeting the BRCGS criteria, while encouraging continuous improvement.

Follow-up audits, required for renewal, vary according to the grade obtained during the initial audit (A, B, C or D). Here is a simplified guide for renewal based on the rating :

  • Note A : A follow-up audit must be conducted annually. The company has the choice between an advertised or non-advertised audit. For a non-advertised audit, the company will be informed of a two-month period during which the audit will take place, without knowing the precise date.
  • Note B : An annual audit is required and must be announced, allowing the company to know the exact date in advance.
  • Note C : Two audits per year are required, both announced. The first must take place within six months of the initial audit and the second within six months of the first.
  • Note D : The company loses its certification and must undergo a new certification audit, announced, which must take place within six months of the initial audit.

To facilitate the renewal process, here are some recommendations :

  • Prepare for audits by reviewing and improving your quality and safety management system, addressing detected non-conformities, and gathering the necessary documentation.
  • Work closely with the auditor, respecting scheduled dates, sharing required information and facilitating access to your institution.
  • Meticulously implement the action plan by implementing the recommended corrective and preventive measures, communicating progress and, if necessary, requesting an additional audit.
  • Improve your skills and those of your team with training and support from BRCGS, your certification body, external consultants or specialized partners.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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