OSCP Certification : Offensive Security Certified Professional

In the fluctuating world of computer security, both technical and practical, skills are essential to counter threats and attacks. For professionals working in cybersecurity or aspiring to do so, OSCP certification (Offensive Security Certified Professional) is often mentioned. Internationally recognized, it validates proficiency in penetration testing and ethical hacking, demonstrating the ability to secure systems against real-world cyber attacks.

What is OSCP Certification: Offensive Security Certified Professional ?

The OSCP certification, offered by Offensive Security, is a prestigious recognition in the field of ethical hacking. It demonstrates proficiency in penetration testing, enabling professionals to legally detect and exploit vulnerabilities in computer systems.

Based on the use of Kali Linux, a rich open-source platform of more than 600 security tools developed for ethical hacking, fault finding, vulnerability management, and much more, this certification is based on cutting-edge tools and methodologies in computer security. Kali Linux is particularly prized for its robustness and the variety of tools it offers, many of which are created by OffSec themselves.

What distinguishes the OSCP from other ethical hacking certifications is its demanding and practical format: candidates must overcome a 24-hour exam in a simulated test environment, where they must identify and exploit flaws in several computer systems. A detailed report explaining the operating process is also required to validate this cybersecurity certification.

Recognized worldwide in the offensive security sector, the OSCP certification demonstrates a high level of competence and professionalism. It is intended for cybersecurity professionals with prior experience in Windows and Linux systems administration, wishing to improve their intrusion testing and ethical hacking capabilities.

Which organisations offer OSCP certification ?

The OSCP certification is an internationally recognized accreditation offered by Offensive Security (OffSec), an American company renowned for its cutting-edge offensive security training. Offensive Security also stands out as the creator of Kali Linux, a reference Linux distribution for IT security professionals, supporting a variety of operations such as vulnerability detection, ethical hacking, reverse engineeringengineering and penetration testing.

Offensive Security offers a range of cybersecurity training and certifications, covering all skill levels. The OSCP certification is designed for intermediate users, accessible after completing the PEN-200: Penetration Testing with Kali Linux course. This degree program addresses in detail the use of Kali Linux specific tools and methodologies, in addition to essential penetration testing techniques such as enumeration, exploitation, privilege escalation and lateral movement.

While there are other certifications in ethical piracy offered by different entities, the OSCP stands out for its practical methodology. Unlike the EC-Council’s CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker) certification, which favours a more theoretical approach, the OSCP focuses on the practical application of penetration testing and offensive security skills, This makes it particularly attractive to professionals looking to prove their technical expertise in these areas.

What are the specific OSCP certification requirements for my industry ?

The OSCP certification targets cybersecurity professionals aspiring to master offensive security, the art of attacking and ethically and legally penetrating computer systems. It requires strong technical expertise in penetration testing and familiarity with Kali Linux tools and methods. The course includes the PEN-200: Penetration Testing with Kali Linux, offered by Offensive Security, the certification issuer.

This program addresses the key principles of penetration testing, including enumeration, analysis, operation, privilege elevation and lateral movement. It concludes with a 24-hour practical examination in a simulated setting, where various machines to be compromised are present.

As a final step, a detailed report on the operating process of each machine is required.

The prerequisites for OSCP certification

To enter the PEN-200 course and take the OSCP exam, the following conditions must be met :

  • A good understanding of English, the language of the course and the exam.  
  • Experience in managing Windows and Linux systems, essential for handling various technical aspects.  
  • Basic networking knowledge, essential for understanding network protocols and security.
  • A familiarity with the vulnerabilities of web applications, to exploit specific vulnerabilities.  
  • The ability to write or modify scripts in various programming languages, for task automation or adaptation of exploits.  
  • A willingness to learn independently, following the philosophy of "try harder" promoted by the course.

The benefits of OSCP certification for my industry

For the field of cybersecurity professional training, OSCP certification offers several benefits:

  • It confirms my practical skills in penetration testing, strengthening my credibility and reputation.  
  • It distinguishes me from other trainers or institutions with less practical or recognized certifications, improving my visibility and competitiveness.  
  • It enriches my training offering with expertise on Kali Linux tools and methods, better meeting customer needs.  
  • She keeps me informed of the latest trends in offensive security, allowing me to offer up-to-date and technologically advanced training.  
  • It paves the way for more advanced certifications like Offensive Security’s OSEP or OSWE, attesting to a higher level of competence.

What are the steps to obtain an OSCP certification ?

OSCP certification validates your cybersecurity skills, especially in the areas of penetration testing and offensive security. Here are the key steps to get it :

1. Register for PEN-200: Penetration Testing with Kali Linux

The PEN-200 course, entirely in English, is the prerequisite for the OSCP exam. It trains you to use the tools and methodologies of Kali Linux, an open-source platform dedicated to penetration testing. This course includes videos, documentary material, practical exercises and access to a virtual laboratory to refine your skills. The duration of access to the lab may vary (30, 60 or 90 days), which affects the cost of the course.

To register, go to the Offensive Security website, which awards the OSCP certification. Or contact us if you wish to be accompanied.

2. Take the OSCP exam

The 24-hour OSCP exam is renowned for its level of difficulty. It takes place in a virtual environment full of vulnerable systems that you need to attack and penetrate. This exam tests your ability to identify and exploit security breaches, acquire administrative rights over targets and write a detailed report of your actions. Good preparation and time management are important.

To attend, you must have completed the PEN-200 course, receive an invitation code, have a PC connected to the Internet, with webcam, microphone and screen capture software. It is also essential to strictly respect the guidelines of Offensive Security during the event.

3. Obtain OSCP certification

Upon passing the exam, you obtain the OSCP certification, valid for three years. You will receive a digital certificate and badge, which can be used on LinkedIn, your CV or your personal website. You will also join the OSCP certified community, benefiting from exclusive resources, advice, discounts and networking opportunities.

This certification paves the way for more advanced qualifications such as OSEP (Offensive Security Experienced Professional) or OSWE (Offensive Security Web Expert), attesting to a higher level of competence and professionalism.

How much does an OSCP certification cost ?

The OSCP certification is recognized for its excellence, but it also represents a significant investment. To earn this certification, it is required to pass an intense 24-hour practical exam, as well as complete a preparatory online course, which provides access to a virtual laboratory. The cost of OSCP certification varies depending on the length of time you choose to access the lab, available in 30, 60, or 90-day options.

On average, the current fee for obtaining OSCP certification is :

  • 30 days: $1,499
  • 60 days: $1,699
  • 90 days: $1,999

These costs include access to the PEN-200 online course, a prerequisite for the OSCP review, as well as a first attempt at the review. In case of failure, it is possible to try again for an additional $150 per new attempt.

Investing in OSCP certification can be smart, paving the way for important career opportunities. Indeed, it is highly regarded by employers in the field of cybersecurity, eager to recruit qualified professionals to conduct effective penetration tests that comply with professional ethics. Thus, obtaining OSCP certification can significantly boost your career in the offensive security sector.

How long does it take to get an OSCP certification ?

Obtaining OSCP certification, a proven proof of your penetration testing capabilities, requires PEN-200 online training. This training, essential for mastering the key techniques and tools of advanced safety assessment, varies in duration between 30 and 90 days depending on your investment in terms of study and practice. After completing this step, a 24-hour practical exam awaits you. You will be confronted with the operation of vulnerable systems in a secure laboratory setting.

To succeed, it will be necessary to reach or exceed the threshold of 70 points out of 100. Following this, a detailed report of your methods and recommendations for securing compromised systems should be submitted within 24 hours. In summary, preparing for and passing the OSCP certification requires a commitment of one to three months, depending on your learning pace and availability. Although the path is demanding, it represents an exceptional opportunity to validate your skills and professionalism in the offensive security sector.

Is there a renewal to be done regarding the OSCP certification ?

The OSCP (OffSec Certified Professional) certification, awarded by Offensive Security (OffSec), is a prestigious recognition in the field of ethical hacking. It demonstrates practical proficiency in penetration testing, based on the tools and methodologies of Kali Linux, an open-source platform essential to IT security professionals.

Unlike many other IT security certifications, OSCP stands out for its durability: once acquired, it requires no renewal. However, this does not exempt its holders from keeping themselves informed of technological developments and current good practices in ethical hacking. To remain competitive and up-to-date, OSCP certified professionals are encouraged to continue their continuing education.

This can be done through specialized training, attending conferences, reading relevant publications, or engaging in testing platforms like Hack The Box or TryHackMe.

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Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
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Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
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