COSMOS Certification : For natural organic cosmetics

As health and environmental concerns rise, organic and natural cosmetics are gaining popularity. The COSMOS certification takes place by imposing rigorous standards. Discover its importance, its criteria, its advantages for companies, and its international recognition.

What is the COSMOS certification ?

The COSMOS certification is an international label that authenticates organic and natural cosmetics based on a unified and internationally recognized reference. This standard sets precise standards that companies must follow to ensure that their products are authentically organic or natural, manufactured using the best ecological and sustainable practices.

This label comes in two variants: COSMOS ORGANIC and COSMOS NATURAL. COSMOS ORGANIC is reserved for products containing at least 95% organic ingredients in their plant composition and at least 20% on the whole product (this percentage is reduced to 10% for products to be rinsed). As for COSMOS NATURAL, it applies to products formulated exclusively from natural ingredients or approved by COSMOS, without obligation to respect a minimum percentage of organic ingredients.

COSMOS certification is intended for both finished products and raw materials used in cosmetics. Raw materials are eligible for COSMOS CERTIFIED certification if they come from organic farming, or COSMOS APPROVED certification if they are of natural origin or processed in accordance with the principles of green chemistry.

This label is administered by the COSMOS-standard AISBL, an international, independent and non-profit association, bringing together the main organizations and certification bodies of the organic and natural cosmetics sector in Europe. The certification of conformity is granted by accredited certifying bodies located in Europe, Asia and Australia, thus guaranteeing its global recognition.

When should you consider COSMOS certification ?

The COSMOS certification represents a winning strategy for companies seeking to establish themselves on the organic and natural cosmetics market. It allows to meet the demands of consumers while standing out from the competition. Here’s why you should consider COSMOS certification :

  • Enhance the quality and traceability of your products by ensuring their compliance with the principles of organic farming and green chemistry.
  • Strengthen the trust and loyalty of your customers by offering safe, efficient and environmentally friendly products.
  • Open up to new markets with a prestigious, recognised and coherent international label that simplifies business processes.
  • Improve your environmental balance by reducing the impact on natural resources and adopting eco-responsible practices.
  • Innovate and expand your product portfolio using the largest database of certified or approved raw materials.

COSMOS certification is available to companies of all sizes and sectors, including manufacturers, distributors, brands and retailers. It covers a wide range of products, from finished cosmetics to raw materials, including skincare, make-up, perfumes, hair products, hygiene items and sun products.

Why is COSMOS certification important for the environment ?

COSMOS certification plays a crucial role in protecting the environment, guiding the organic and natural cosmetics industry towards a significant reduction of their ecological footprint. It is committed to enhancing biodiversity and preserving natural resources, imposing strict environmental standards at every stage of the production, processing and distribution of cosmetic products.

This certification is a guarantee of :

  • Use of organic ingredients from organic farming, supporting natural cycles, soil fertility, clean water and animal and plant welfare.
  • Use of natural or chemically processed ingredients respecting the principles of green chemistry, aiming to minimize the use of harmful substances, energy consumption and encourage recycling.
  • Implementation of eco-responsible manufacturing and storage processes, minimizing the risk of contamination and pollution.
  • Adoption of ecological and recyclable packaging, aimed at reducing the consumption of raw materials and inks.
  • Implementation of proactive environmental management, promoting the evaluation and continuous improvement of the environmental performance of companies.

The COSMOS certification promotes environmental protection and sustainable development, aligned with the goals of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations. It offers consumers the opportunity to choose quality cosmetics, safe and respectful of our planet.

What are the criteria for obtaining a COSMOS certification ?

To obtain a COSMOS certification, companies must comply with specific criteria depending on the nature of the product or raw material to be certified. These requirements include the origin and processing of ingredients, the formula of the finished product, storage, production and packaging processes, environmental management, labelling and communication procedures, and audit processes, certification and control.

Origin and processing of ingredients

Ingredients incorporated into COSMOS certified products must come from natural, organic sources or be validated by the COSMOS repository. Components of natural origin must be extracted by physical or chemical methods adhering to the principles of green chemistry. Those from organic farming must meet recognized national or international standards.

Composition of the finished product

The finished product must meet the standards of the COSMOS certification, either COSMOS ORGANIC or COSMOS NATURAL. For the COSMOS ORGANIC stamp, the product must incorporate at least 95% organic elements in its plant composition and 20% on the entire product (10% for products to be rinsed). Under the COSMOS NATURAL label, the product must exclusively contain natural ingredients or approved by the COSMOS reference, without condition of minimum percentage of organic ingredients.

Storage, manufacturing and packaging

The storage, production and packaging processes of COSMOS certified products must be managed with respect for cleanliness, hygiene, minimize the risk of contamination and pollution. It is essential to use environmentally friendly, recyclable packaging, and to limit the use of materials and ink. Safety and quality standards specific to cosmetic products must also be observed.

Environmental management

Environmental management in COSMOS certified companies requires an assessment and continuous improvement of their ecological impact. These companies must strive to reduce their consumption of energy, water and raw materials, minimize their greenhouse gas emissions, encourage waste recycling and ensure the protection of biodiversity and natural resources.

Labelling and communication

Clarity and transparency are paramount for the labelling and communication of COSMOS certified products. They must provide detailed information to consumers, including the COSMOS name and logo, the percentage of organic and natural ingredients, the name and logo of the certification body, and any required legal notice. It is imperative that products avoid any false or misleading claims regarding their characteristics or benefits.

Audit, certification and control

The audit, certification and control processes for COSMOS certified products are carried out by accredited certifying bodies, which are both independent and competent. These entities are responsible for verifying that the products, their ingredients and the processes used comply with the standards defined by the COSMOS repository and are responsible for issuing the appropriate certificates. They must also carry out periodic checks and surprises, thus ensuring the continuous conformity of the products.

What are the benefits of COSMOS certification for companies ?

COSMOS certification has multiple benefits for companies operating in the field of organic or natural cosmetics, including allowing them to :

Enhance their image and credibility

Obtaining the COSMOS certification allows companies to show that they hold an international, recognized and standardized label, proof of the quality and eco-responsibility of their products. This advantage gives them a distinction from their competitors and improves their image and credibility with consumers, distributors and partners.

Increase their competitiveness and profitability

By adhering to the COSMOS certification requirements, companies can improve their environmental performance, reduce production and management costs and potentially benefit from tax reductions or subsidies. This process also opens the door to new markets, both nationally and internationally and helps to build customer loyalty.

Innovate and grow

Through COSMOS certification, companies have access to a vast database of certified or approved raw materials, which promotes innovation in the creation of their products. They also benefit from the expertise and support of certifying bodies, professional associations, and business networks. This approach allows them to innovate and develop while respecting the foundations of organic farming and sustainable chemistry.

Which countries recognize COSMOS certification ?

The COSMOS certification is an international standard appreciated and adopted in a multitude of countries around the globe. It offers companies the opportunity to market their organic and natural cosmetics in various markets by complying with local standards and gaining consumer confidence. The following is a list of countries where COSMOS certification is recognized :

European Union

The European Union is the main market for organic and natural cosmetics, characterised by rising demand and stringent rules. The COSMOS certification is based on European Regulation (EC) No. 834/2007 for organic products, defining the production and labelling standards for organic products in the EU. It is also in line with European Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetics, which sets safety and quality standards for these products within the EU.

The competent authorities and professional associations of the 27 EU Member States, as well as associated countries such as Norway, Iceland and Switzerland recognise the COSMOS certification.


The expansion of the Asian market for organic and natural cosmetics is notable, reflecting a variety of cultures and preferences. The COSMOS certification is adjusted to the particularities of this market, considering the different regulations and consumer expectations. It is validated by the authorities and professional associations of several Asian countries, including China, Japan, South Korea, India, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan.

North America

Considering North America as a mature and active market for organic and natural cosmetics, it is distinguished by a strong environmental sensitivity and a wide variety of products. The COSMOS certification aligns with the standards and regulations in place in the United States and Canada, the main markets in this region. It is also recognized by American and Canadian authorities and professional associations, as well as in neighbouring countries such as Mexico and Costa Rica.

Who can issue a COSMOS certification ?

The COSMOS certification is not assigned by the COSMOS-standard association AISBL itself, even if it is in charge of the COSMOS repository. This task is the responsibility of accredited, independent and competent certifying bodies. Their role includes the inspection and certification of raw products and materials according to the standards defined by the COSMOS standard. They are also in charge of issuing COSMOS logos and signatures.

There are 12 accredited COSMOS certification bodies across various countries and regions around the globe, ensuring global coverage for COSMOS certification. These organizations may rely on local auditors or operate through national offices. The following is a list of COSMOS accredited certifying bodies :

  • BDIH (Germany)  
  • Bio.inspecta (Switzerland)
  • Certisys (Belgium)
  • Cosmebio (France)
  • Ecocert (France)
  • ICEA (Italy)
  • Natrue (Belgium)
  • NSF (US)
  • OF&G (UK)
  • Organic Food Federation (UK)
  • Soil Association (UK)
  • Soil Association CertificationKingdom-Uni)

To obtain COSMOS certification, companies must contact one of these accredited certification bodies directly. They also offer advice and support to companies wishing to adhere to the COSMOS standards.

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Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
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Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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