SASO Certification : Certificate to export to Saudi Arabia

Learn how to enter the lucrative market of Saudi Arabia with SASO certification. This certification, issued by the official body, is essential to ensure that products comply with Saudi standards. Here is its importance, its operation, the criteria to meet and the benefits it offers.

What is SASO Certification (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization) ?

The SASO certification is a certificate of conformity exclusive to Saudi Arabia, attesting that the exported product or commodity meets the quality and safety standards required by the country. It thus allows products or goods to be imported into Saudi Arabia by crossing customs controls without incident.

Issued by the SASO (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization), this certification of conformity demonstrates compliance with technical regulations and quality standards in force in Saudi Arabia. Depending on the nature and volume of the product or goods, the body offers several types of certificates of conformity :

  • Certificate of conformity for a specific product model
  • Certificate of conformity for a specified shipment of goods
  • Certificate of conformity for a production lot
  • Certificate of conformity aligned with the IECEE system (IEC Certification of conformity for electrotechnical equipment and components)

It is essential to obtain SASO certification for all products and goods covered by the organization’s regulations, which covers a variety of sectors such as household appliances, automotive, tires, cosmetics, toys, clothing, food, and more. The complete list of regulated products and goods is available on the official SASO website.

When should you consider SASO certification ?

SASO certification is essential for the export to Saudi Arabia of any product or commodity on the list regulated by SASO. This list includes various sectors, including household appliances, vehicles, tires, cosmetics, toys, textiles, food products, and many others. You can consult the complete list on the official website of the SASO organization.

If the products or goods you want to export to Saudi Arabia are in this list, SASO certification becomes essential. It is also crucial to check whether your export requires a specific certificate of conformity, whether for a particular product model, a specific shipment, a production batch, or according to the IECEE system.

It is essential to obtain SASO certification before shipping your products or goods to Saudi Arabia. In the absence of this certificate, you will not be allowed to pass customs or enter Saudi territory. Also make sure to check the validity of the SASO certificate throughout your export period, as some certificates have an expiry date.

Obtaining SASO certification is crucial for any company wishing to export regulated products or goods to Saudi Arabia. This approach ensures compliance with the country’s quality and safety standards, and ensures smooth customs passage.

Why is SASO certification important for the environment ?

SASO certification plays a key role not only in ensuring the quality and safety of products exported to Saudi Arabia, but also in protecting the environment. The main objective of SASO is to promote sustainable development by ensuring that products meet strict environmental criteria and energy efficiency standards.

Take for example the energy efficiency labels introduced by SASO for household appliances, vehicles, tires and lamps. These labels provide accurate information on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, helping consumers make more informed and responsible choices. For manufacturers, these labels are an incentive to minimize their ecological footprint.

In addition, the SASO certification has developed ecological standards for a wide range of products including chemicals, cosmetics, food and packaging, with the aim of protecting human health and preserving natural resources.

The importance of SASO certification for the environment is undeniable. It ensures that products exported to Saudi Arabia meet rigorous environmental standards and energy efficiency criteria, thus contributing to the fight against pollution, slowing global warming and promoting sustainable development.

What are the criteria for obtaining SASO certification ?

To obtain SASO certification, follow these essential steps :

Choose the type of certificate suitable for the product or commodity

The SASO Certification offers various certificates of conformity adapted according to the type and quantity of the exported product or commodity :

  • Certificate of conformity for a product model
  • Certificate of conformity for a specific shipment of goods
  • Certificate of conformity for a production lot
  • Certificate of conformity according to the IECEE system

It is important to select the most suitable certificate based on the technical regulations and quality standards in force.

Have the product or goods tested and inspected by an approved body

The process for obtaining SASO certification includes testing and inspection of the product or goods by a body approved by SASO. This body will monitor compliance with quality and safety standards. Required documents such as commercial invoice, certificate of origin, packing list, etc., must be provided. On this basis, the approved body will produce a test and inspection report that will facilitate the issuance of the certificate of conformity.

Apply for SASO certification online

The SASO certification application process is completed online via the SABER electronic system, developed to simplify and speed up the certification process. Create an account on SABER, fill out the application form with the required information such as certificate type, product or merchandise detail, and your contact details. Include the test and inspection report and other necessary documentation. SABER will review your application and, if approved, issue the certificate of compliance.What are the benefits of SASO certification for companies ?

SASO certification offers significant benefits for companies looking to enter the Saudi market. It represents the key to export in full compliance and take advantage of business opportunities in one of the most important markets in the Middle East. The main benefits are :

Access to the Saudi market

Obtaining SASO certification is a prerequisite for accessing the Saudi market. Products without this certification cannot pass through Saudi customs. Thus, this certification becomes essential for companies wishing to legally export their products to Saudi Arabia and seize the opportunities offered by this attractive market.

Regulatory compliance

SASO certification ensures that products meet local quality and safety standards. This is crucial for the protection of consumers and ensures their satisfaction. It also prevents companies from facing legal complications or penalties for non-compliance. Certification is therefore an indicator of reliability and seriousness.

Simplification of procedures

Thanks to the SABER portal, the SASO certification process becomes simpler and faster. This online system helps companies efficiently submit and manage their certification applications, minimizing paperwork and wait times. The SABER portal is a valuable tool to save time and resources.

Market transparency

SASO certification enhances market transparency, providing a centralized database of certified products accessible to different market players, including manufacturers, importers and customs authorities. This openness improves mutual trust, facilitates cooperation and ensures better control and traceability of products.

Competitive advantage

SASO certification is a significant lever to stand out from competitors who do not have this precious sesame, highlighting the superior quality and safety of its products. Recognized worldwide, it opens the doors to internationalization by facilitating access to other markets that set the bar high in terms of compliance with international standards. Obtaining SASO certification is thus proving to be an undeniable competitive advantage for companies seeking to conquer or strengthen their positioning in the Saudi market and internationally.

Which countries recognize SASO certification ?

The SASO certification, specific to Saudi Arabia, is also recognized beyond its borders through mutual recognition agreements with the SASO entity. These agreements facilitate international trade by simplifying procedures, avoiding redundancies in testing and inspections, and unifying standards and regulations. The following is a list of countries and regions where SASO certification is accepted :

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries

GCC member countries include: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. They use the CCG Conformity Tracking System (GSO), which validates certificates of conformity issued by national authorities, including SASO. Thus, the SASO certification is recognized by these GCC countries, which follow standards and regulations comparable to those of Saudi Arabia.

Member countries of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is a global authority that develops voluntary standards in various sectors, such as quality, safety, and the environment. SASO is an active member of ISO and contributes to the development and adoption of global standards. Therefore, the SASO certification is based on ISO standards and recognized within ISO member countries, grouping more than 160 countries.

The signatory countries of the IEC Conformity Certification System for Electrotechnical Equipment and Components (IECEE)

The IECEE system is an international initiative facilitating the testing and certification of electrical and electronic products according to IEC (International Electrotechnical Commission) standards. As a member of the IECEE, SASO issues IECEE conformity certificates for certain product categories, including household appliances, lamps and batteries. Therefore, the SASO certification is approved by the IECEE member countries, which are more than 50 around the world.

Who can issue SASO certification ?

The SASO certification is issued by SASO (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization), the national entity responsible for implementing and enforcing technical standards and quality standards in Saudi Arabia. However, SASO does not directly test and inspect products and goods for export. This responsibility is entrusted to accredited third-party entities, selected for their expertise and neutrality.

There are two categories of organizations accredited by SASO :

  • Certification bodies, which award certificates of conformity based on analyses and inspections carried out by specialized organizations.
  • Testing and inspection bodies, responsible for the effective conduct of tests and inspections according to the standards and guidelines in force.

These organizations can be located both in Saudi Arabia and internationally, provided they meet the criteria defined by SASO and are registered on the SABER platform. The official list of accredited bodies is available on the SASO website. SASO certification may be granted either directly by SASO or by a certification body authorized by SASO, provided that the inspection and testing of the product or good has been carried out by a testing and inspection body recognized by SASO.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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