AquaGAP Certification : Good Aquaculture Practices

Aquaculture, which involves raising aquatic organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs or algae, offers significant benefits. It enables protein production, job creation, income diversification and helps conserve marine resources. To promote sustainable aquaculture, standards and certifications, such as AquaGAP certification, have been put in place. Internationally recognized, this certification applies to all types of aquaculture, ensuring compliance with social, environmental and health criteria.

What is AquaGAP Certification : Good Aquaculture Practices ?

The internationally recognized AquaGAP certification aims to encourage best practices in aquaculture. These practices include activities and procedures that ensure not only the quality and safety of aquatic products, but also animal welfare, environmental preservation, and adherence to the principles of social responsibility.

This food certification covers all marine aquaculture products, including fish, crustaceans, molluscs and algae. It applies to all phases of production, from breeding and harvesting to processing and transporting products.

To obtain this certification, it is necessary to respect a set of precise rules, adapted to the sector of activity, the production system and the type of product. These rules include selection of juveniles, management of breeding sites, feeding, growth monitoring, use of drugs and chemicals, disease prevention, traceability, labelling, and employee training and safety.

The use of the AquaGAP label on products requires that each entity participating in the supply chain be audited and certified by an approved organization, such as Ecocert. Valid for three years, AquaGAP certification requires annual audits to maintain it.

Which organizations offer AquaGAP certification ?

AquaGAP certification, an international standard, is overseen by AquaGAP GmbH, an organization located in Germany. Its mission includes the creation and updating of the regulatory framework, as well as the validation of the bodies authorised to award AquaGAP certification.

AquaGAP certification bodies

AquaGAP certification entities operate independently, conducting audits and granting certificates to companies that comply with the criteria required by the standard. These entities must obtain the approval of AquaGAP GmbH and comply with its guidelines.

The three main AquaGAP certification bodies currently in operation are :

  • Ecocert : established in France, present in more than 130 countries, and known for its specialization in the certification of sustainable practices.  
  • IMO : based in Switzerland, operates in more than 90 countries and focuses on the certification of organic and ecological products.  
  • Control Union : from the Netherlands, operates in more than 70 countries, and specializes in the certification of agricultural and maritime products.

Other organizations related to AquaGAP certification

Some complementary organizations recognize the AquaGAP standard or offer additional services related to this certification, including :

  • The Global Aquaculture Alliance (GAA) : an international organization that promotes responsible aquaculture practices and recognizes AquaGAP as equivalent to its own standard, Best Aquaculture Practices (BAP).
  • The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) : which advocates for the certification of marine products from sustainable aquaculture and sees AquaGAP as a standard compatible with its own.
  • GlobalG.A.P. : which promotes good agricultural practices internationally and offers AquaGAP as an option for producers wishing to comply with both GlobalG.A.P. and AquaGAP standards.
  • The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) : committed to environmental protection, which supports AquaGAP as a means of improving the environmental and social performance of aquaculture.

What are the specific AquaGAP certification requirements for my industry ?

AquaGAP certification is designed to adapt to the various aquaculture sectors, taking into account the particularities of each type of production, system, and product. It therefore defines specific requirements for each of the following sectors:

Marine aquaculture

Specific requirements for raising marine organisms such as fish, crustaceans, molluscs and algae include :

  • Prevention of species escape and introduction of non-native species.  
  • Minimizing the impact on natural habitats and marine biodiversity.  
  • Adequate management of water quality and discharges.  
  • Reducing the use of marine resources in food.  
  • Protecting species at risk or under protection.

Continental aquaculture

Including freshwater or brackish fish, crustaceans, molluscs and plants, the specific requirements focus on :

  • Prevention of species escape and introduction of invasive species.  
  • Reducing the impact on natural ecosystems and freshwater biodiversity.  
  • Responsible management of water quality and waste.  
  • Limiting the use of water and land resources.  
  • Protecting species at risk or under protection.

Processing of aquaculture products

This sector, which covers processing activities such as threading, smoking, salting, drying, freezing and packaging, has specific requirements such as :

  • Traceability and proper labelling of products.  
  • Preservation of product quality and safety.  
  • Reducing waste and losses.  
  • Efficient energy management and minimizing greenhouse gas emissions.  
  • The valorisation of by-products and co-products.

What are the steps to obtain AquaGAP certification ?

Obtaining an AquaGAP certification requires a series of steps, which vary according to the field of activity, the type of production and the product. Below you will find an outline of the AquaGAP certification process.

1. Preparation

This first phase involves familiarizing yourself with AquaGAP’s specifications, assessing your compliance with the requirements of the standard and identifying areas for improvement. Consult a certification body such as Ecocert is advised for advice and support during this process.

Training or technical advice can also be provided by experts or partner organisations.

2. Request for certification

For this step, you must complete and submit a certification application form to the chosen organization, including all the necessary documents. The organization will review your request and provide you with a quote and a customized audit plan.

3. Initial audit

A qualified auditor will then conduct a visit to verify the compliance of your practices with the requirements of the AquaGAP standard. The auditor will assess the technical, administrative, and social aspects of your activity, share observations and recommendations, and take samples for laboratory analysis.

4. Audit report and action plan

After the audit, you will receive a summary report including observations, any non-conformities, and will need to develop a corrective action plan. This plan will detail the actions to be taken to address non-conformities within the specified time frame.

5. Certification

At this stage, you obtain the AquaGAP certificate, confirming the conformity of your activity with the criteria established by the standard. This allows you to apply the AquaGAP label on your products, increasing their visibility and value on the market.

How much does an AquaGAP certification cost ?

The price to obtain AquaGAP certification varies according to several criteria, including the sector of activity, the type and production of products, the size of the company, the number of sites to be controlled, and the choice of certification agency. A fixed fee schedule is not established for this certification. Contact us to be accompanied and put in touch with a certifying body.

In general, the costs associated with AquaGAP certification fall into two categories :

  • The cost of the audit, including expenses related to the on-site inspection, the preparation of the audit report and the issuance of the certificate. This amount fluctuates with the length and complexity of the audit, in addition to the auditor’s travel and accommodation costs.
  • The cost of the license, relating to the annual fee paid to AquaGAP GmbH for the use of their label on certified products. This amount varies according to the volume and value of the certified products.

While AquaGAP certification is a significant expense for the company, it can also bring significant benefits such as improved product quality and safety, opening up to new markets, and reduced environmental and social risks.

There are various financial aids or subsidies to alleviate the cost of certification, depending on the country and region. Pooling also offers the option of sharing costs between several companies with similar characteristics.

For more information on AquaGAP certification fees, visit the AquaGAP GmbH website or contact a certified certification body such as Ecocert. By opting for Ecocert, a privileged partner of Yvea, a specialist in the distribution of sustainable aquaculture products, you benefit from preferential rates for your AquaGAP certification.

How long does it take to get AquaGAP certification ?

The time required to obtain AquaGAP certification varies depending on several elements, including: the industry, the type of production and product, the size of the company, and the number of sites to be examined. It is important to note that there is no set deadline for AquaGAP certification. However, a more accurate estimate can be obtained by contacting a recognised certification body, such as Ecocert.

In general, the AquaGAP certification process is structured around two major steps :

  • Preparation, which involves familiarizing yourself with the requirements specified in AquaGAP’s specifications, assessing the company’s compliance with these standards, detecting any gaps, and developing a corrective action plan. Depending on the initial performance of the company, this phase can last from a few weeks to several months.
  • The audit, during which the on-site visit takes place, the writing of the audit report and the issuance of the certificate. This phase can take from a few days to several weeks, depending on the auditor’s availability and the complexity of the audit itself.

Once obtained, AquaGAP certification is valid for a period of three years, during which time annual audits are conducted to ensure compliance with the required standards.

For more information about the AquaGAP certification process, contact us to assist you in your certification.

Is there a renewal required for AquaGAP certification ?

AquaGAP certification, essential to ensure compliance with aquaculture standards, is not permanent and requires periodic renewal to ensure continued compliance with the requirements of the standard. The renewal process is organized as follows :

  • The certification is valid for a period of three years from the issuance of the certificate.
  • Annual monitoring audits are required for recertification by a certified body such as Ecocert. These audits include site visits and product analyses.
  • Audits must take place annually, within 12 months of the issuance of the initial certificate and annually after the last audit.
  • These annual audits must examine at least 50% of the requirements of the standard, taking into account the most critical aspects and possible risks.
  • Failure to meet monitoring audit deadlines or detection of major non-conformities may result in suspension or withdrawal of certification.
  • A renewal audit must be performed before the certification expires to thoroughly assess compliance with AquaGAP requirements.
  • This renewal audit must take place at least three months before the certificate expires and, if necessary, be accompanied by a corrective action plan.
  • Once the renewal audit is validated, the certification is renewed for a new period of three years.

La procédure classique

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