GS Certification (Geprüfte Sicherheit) : Safety tested

No one wants to use a product that could compromise their health or safety or that does not meet regulatory standards. Some certifications, such as the GS certification (Geprüfte Sicherheit or "tested safety"), certify the conformity and quality of the products.

What is GS Certification (Geprüfte Sicherheit) ?

GS certification is a voluntary quality label applied to technical products, meaning "tested safety" in German. This marker proves that the products comply with the safety standards required in Germany and, where applicable, in Europe. It is awarded by entities like TÜV Rheinland or Bureau Veritas, which are officially recognized in the world (but especially in Europe).

The legal basis for this certification is the German Product Safety Act (ProdSG), incorporating various European directives such as those concerning low voltage, machinery or electromagnetic compatibility (EMC).

Unlike simple compliance with these standards, obtaining GS certification requires extensive and periodic reviews by independent actors.

GS certified products have a higher standard of quality and safety than those that only have the CE marking. The product categories covered by this certification of conformity of goods are varied: household appliances, electrical tools, lighting, office equipment, toys, furniture, personal protective equipment and many others.

These items, to be recognized, bear the labelling of the GS logo accompanied by the name or emblem of the body that issued the certification. For example, equipment validated by Bureau Veritas will be distinguished by the GS logo.

What are the criteria for GS Certification ?

To be eligible for GS certification, your products must meet the following essential criteria :

  • Compliance with relevant German and European standards, depending on the type of product and its use.
  • Have been evaluated by a body approved by the German government, which ensures the verification of safety, quality and performance.
  • Provide comprehensive documentation including operating instructions, safety warnings, technical specifications, etc.
  • Undergo constant quality control, including both production audits and random testing once products are marketed.

If your products meet these requirements, you can apply for GS certification from the certification body of your choice, such as TÜV Rheinland, Bureau Veritas or Intertek. You will then have to provide all the necessary information regarding your products, your manufacturing methods, your supply chains, etc. After conducting the required evaluations and inspections, if your products are deemed compliant, the organization will grant you the GS certificate. You will have the privilege of having the GS logo on your products, as well as the name or logo of the certifying body.

What are the benefits of GS Certification for companies ?

The GS certification represents a considerable asset for companies aspiring to differentiate themselves in the market while improving their performance. It offers several significant benefits :

  • It consolidates customers' confidence in GS certified products, which are guaranteed to meet the highest safety and quality standards. This can increase consumer loyalty and appeal, fully satisfying their requirements.
  • It reduces the risks associated with products, such as incidents, failures, returns, complaints, etc., thereby reducing maintenance, repair, warranty, and liability costs. It also avoids penalties, fines or legal actions in case of non-compliance with regulations.
  • It optimizes the productivity and efficiency of organizational processes, making them more transparent, harmonized, documented and monitored. This helps to stimulate employee engagement, motivation, competence and communication, while reducing errors, losses and delays.
  • It opens the door to new opportunities, including internationally, by simplifying business transactions with countries that recognize GS certification. This can increase opportunities for growth, diversification and partnership, thus strengthening the company’s competitiveness and reputation against its rivals.

GS certification is a strategic advantage for companies wishing to distinguish themselves in their sector and optimize their performance. This demonstrates their commitment to high quality and safety, providing both external and internal benefits.

Which countries recognize GS Certification ?

The GS (Geprüfte Sicherheit) certification, originating in Germany, enjoys wide recognition around the world, especially in Europe. This certification is based on harmonised European standards, allowing products bearing the GS label to move freely within the European Union and the European Economic Area, without the need for additional certifications.

Beyond Europe, the GS certification is also validated in various countries that have established mutual recognition agreements with Germany or the European Union. These countries include Switzerland, Turkey, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the United States, Japan and South Korea. These nations accept GS certified products, provided they also comply with their own national standards.

Recognition of the GS certification also extends to certain international bodies. The GS certification, although originating in Germany, enjoys wide international recognition, notably thanks to its adherence to European standards and various mutual recognition agreements. Its validation by major international organizations demonstrates the quality and safety of the products that benefit from this certification.

Who can issue a GS Certification ?

GS certification, from the German state, is a mark of quality and safety for products. Only entities accredited by the German government, known as notified bodies, have the right to issue this certification. These bodies are recognized within the European Union because they are on an official list communicated to the European Commission and shared with the other member countries.

These notified bodies vary according to the sector of activity and the type of product concerned. Reputable names in this field include TÜV Rheinland, Bureau Veritas, Intertek, SGS or Dekra. They stand out for their impartiality, independence and are equipped with modern laboratories run by qualified experts to assess and certify the conformity of products.

Manufacturers or distributors wishing to obtain GS certification for their products must contact one of these notified bodies, provide all the required details on the product, its manufacture and origin. The selected organization will then conduct a series of rigorous tests and inspections. Once the product meets the required safety and quality standards, GS certification is granted for a period of five years, after which a renewal is possible under certain conditions.

What happens if my products do not pass GS Certification for export ?

Failure to obtain GS certification for the export of your products can lead to various complications, depending on the country and the type of product concerned. Here is an overview of the issues you may encounter :

  • Products may be rejected at the border or confiscated by customs if you fail to demonstrate compliance with the standards and regulations in force in the receiving country. This can cause financial losses, delays in deliveries, damage your reputation, and more.
  • If you fail to ensure the safety and quality of your products to consumers, they may be withdrawn from the market or banned from sale. The consequences include additional costs, complaints, fines, etc.
  • Products with GS certification have a better reputation and inspire more trust in customers, putting yours at a disadvantage. This could mean a reduction in your sales, market share and ability to compete.

It is therefore advisable to have your products certified according to the GS standards before exporting them or to inform you about the mutual equivalences or recognitions between the GS certification and those required in the country of destination. This will promote your trade and enhance the value of your products in the marketplace.

La procédure classique

Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


See Also

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