ISO 45001 Standard : Management in well-being at work

Adopt ISO 45001 standard for optimal occupational health and safety. Discover its framework, its benefits, the stages of implementation and certification, as well as its impact on the performance and image of the company.

What is ISO 45001 standard ?

Introduced as an international standard, the ISO 45001 standard defines the criteria essential to the establishment of an effective occupational health and safety management system. Its main objective is to help organizations identify, manage risks and optimize their health and safety performance through certification of conformity.

This standard promotes continuous improvement and aims to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, improve the working environment and strengthen the culture of prevention. Adaptable to any size of business, ISO 45001 standard can be easily integrated with other ISO-compliant management systems.

It relies on the PDCA (Plan, Do, Verify, Act) cycle for systematic and effective management of health and safety risks. This standard establishes guidelines for the creation of a health and safety policy, the definition of objectives, the planning and execution of actions, the audit, and the performance evaluation.

Management engagement, active employee involvement, hazard identification, risk assessment, compliance with legal standards, emergency management, incident review and continuous improvement are the pillars of this approach.

Developed through international collaboration of health and safety experts from more than 70 countries, the ISO 45001 standard builds on previous standards such as OHSAS 18001 and incorporates International Labour Organization (ILO) principlesand other international standards and conventions.

When should you consider ISO 45001 standard ?

The ISO 45001 standard is intended for organizations wishing to optimize their occupational health and safety, regardless of their sector, size or location. Consider 45001 for :

  • Ensure the protection of your employees against occupational hazards and risks.
  • Minimize the frequency and severity of work-related accidents, illnesses and injuries.
  • Improve the working conditions and well-being of your staff.
  • Promote a safety culture and encourage the active participation of your employees in occupational health and safety (S&ST) management.
  • Demonstrate your commitment to occupational health and safety to your internal and external stakeholders.
  • Comply with laws and contractual requirements related to S&ST.
  • Increase your S&ST performance and competitiveness.
  • Improve your brand image as a responsible and sustainable organization.

Compatible with other ISO management standards such as ISO 9001 standard (quality) and ISO 14001 standard (environment), ISO 45001 can be integrated into an existing ISO management system or applied separately. It is therefore ideal if you already have an ISO system or if you plan to develop it.

Aiming to succeed OHSAS 18001 standard, the standard of S&ST before 2018, the ISO 45001 is an option to consider for companies certified OHSAS 18001 standard to simplify their transition to the novelties and benefits of 45001.

What are the advantages of implementing an ISO 45001 compliant system ?

Adopting ISO 45001 brings a multitude of benefits to companies, ranging from improving employee safety to significant economic and strategic benefits. Some key benefits of this compliance include :

Protecting and improving the health and safety of workers

By integrating ISO 45001 standard, your company will be able to better protect its employees against the risks and dangers related to its activity. This standard is intended to provide a systematic risk assessment to effectively prevent occupational injuries, illnesses or injuries. In addition, it contributes to improving working conditions and well-being, including the mental health of employees, while encouraging a culture of participatory and positive safety.

Demonstrate your commitment and compliance with S&ST

The implementation of ISO 45001 standard allows you to prove your dedication to Occupational Health and Safety standards to your internal and external stakeholders, such as employees, customers, suppliers, regulators and insurers. This strengthens your brand image, positioning you as a responsible company and committed to safety, which sets you apart from competitors.

This standard also ensures your compliance with current regulations, reducing the risk of sanctions, litigation or financial loss.

Improve your S&ST performance and competitiveness

By embracing ISO 45001 standard, your company will benefit from a continuous improvement of its performance in Occupational Health and Safety, which also strengthens its competitiveness. This proactive approach helps optimize business processes, reduce costs associated with accidents, illness, absences or insurance premiums, and drive increased productivity and profitability.

The standard also advocates better preparedness for crises and threats by establishing effective protocols for emergencies.

Why is ISO 45001 considered a strategic tool for organizations ?

The ISO 45001 standard goes beyond a simple technical requirement for occupational health and safety (S&ST) management. It embodies a strategic approach to integrating S&ST into all aspects of planning, decision-making and organizational performance. Here are the reasons why ISO 45001 standard is an essential strategic tool for businesses :

  • It ensures alignment between S&ST policy and the strategic objectives of the organization, taking into account the expectations of stakeholders, both internal and external, as well as the risks and opportunities related to S&ST.
  • It stimulates management engagement and leadership and promotes employee consultation and active participation in the establishment, maintenance and improvement of the S&ST management system. This reinforces the safety culture and establishes a shared responsibility within the organization.
  • It encourages the adoption of a process-oriented management mode and continuous improvement, thus improving the performance of S&ST, identifying and addressing the root causes of incidents, and promote innovation and learning within the organization.
  • It facilitates the integration of S&ST with other ISO management systems, such as quality or environment, through the use of common structures and languages. This creates synergies, reduces redundancies and inconsistencies, and increases the effectiveness and efficiency of processes.
  • It helps create value for the company by improving its competitiveness, profitability, resilience, customer satisfaction, employee loyalty, regulatory compliance, reputation and sustainability.

What are the key steps to audit and improve a quality management system according to ISO 45001 ?

Auditing and improving a quality management system (QMS) according to ISO 45001 is a vital process to ensure its compliance, efficiency and performance. This involves verifying the QMS’s compliance with the requirements of ISO 45001, correcting deficiencies, preventing deviations, resolving problems and strengthening its strengths. Key steps in this process include :

Planning the audit

The first step is to define the objectives, scope, evaluation criteria, methodologies, resources, schedule and responsibilities of the audit. Preparing required documents such as checklists, sampling plans and audit reports is essential. Planning must also anticipate the risks and opportunities associated with the audit and the QMS itself.

Carrying out the audit

This step focuses on the execution of the planned activities, including opening and closing meetings, interviews, observations, document review and testing. It is crucial to collect and analyze objective evidence, which consists of verifiable information attesting to observations made during the audit. Identifying and documenting any non-conformities, namely deviations from ISO 45001 or QMS requirements, is also necessary.

Evaluate the audit

The evaluation shall include the synthesis of the results obtained, the drawing up of conclusions, the formulation of recommendations for improvement and the drafting of the audit report. The results must be communicated to the relevant stakeholders, thus ensuring that the audit assessment remains objective, impartial and evidence-based.

Improve QMS

Improving the QMS (Quality Management System) requires the implementation of corrective, preventive and improvement actions identified during the audit. It is also crucial to verify the effectiveness of these actions through performance measures, data analysis and follow-up audits. Continuous improvement of the QMS must be part of the PDCA (Plan, Conduct, Evaluate, Improve) cycle, with the objective of achieving occupational health and safety goals.

What are the differences between 45001 and 45001 certification ?

The ISO 45001 standard defines the international criteria for an occupational health and safety management system. Obtaining ISO 45001 certification, on the other hand, is a voluntary process that validates that your occupational health and safety management system meets the requirements of 45001 through the evaluation of an independent external body. Let’s look at the main distinctions between 45001 and 45001 :

The 45001 standard is a reference, the 45001 certification is a proof

The ISO 45001 standard provides a framework and guidelines for developing, maintaining and improving an occupational health and safety management system. It is intended for any organization wishing to improve its health and safety at work, regardless of its activity, size or geographical location. Certification 45001, on the other hand, serves as an official validation that an organization has implemented a management system that meets the standards of 45001.

It is designed for organizations wishing to demonstrate their commitment and excellence in occupational health and safety to their internal and external stakeholders.

ISO 45001 Standard is mandatory, ISO 45001 certification is optional

The 45001 standard is required for organizations aiming to comply with regulations and contractual requirements regarding occupational health and safety. It is also essential for those seeking 45001 certification. Based on the principle of continuous improvement, the standard aims to help organizations prevent occupational incidents and illnesses, improve working conditions and cultivate a strong safety culture.

The ISO 45001 certification , on the other hand, is optional and benefits organizations wishing to gain external recognition of their occupational health and safety management. It also offers a competitive advantage, the opportunity to reduce costs, improve the company’s image and reputation, and open doors to new markets.

La procédure classique

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Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


Revue documentaire

Voici la liste des documents nécessaires pour l'ouverture du dossier :
Proforma ou facture finale
Fiche descriptive pour chaque code de nomenclature
Rapports de test ou certificats d'analyse pour chaque code de nomenclature
Certificat de qualité ISO 9001 ou équivalent
Déclaration d'importation à demander à votre acheteur (selon la destination)


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